Can Recon spin Dollars for you?

It’s clear that organizations need to move away from spreadsheets and manual processes, both to ensure the regulatory requirements are met, and more specifically to reduce operational risk. A robust reconciliation and review process is needed, but getting one in place has traditionally been a challenge.

Our observation is that Traditional reconciliation systems evolved are on-premise deployments, requiring long installation projects and teams of consultants to go live. Getting these in place from scratch in the time the regulator or authority requires is extremely difficult with ever increasing cost implications of such projects.

Even worse, some organization may have a legacy system in place, but the technological limitations of that system mean it’s time-consuming and expensive to onboard new reconciliations and controls. In this case organizations has no choice but to revert to spreadsheets and manual workarounds for any new requirements that crop up.

RithamWorks Recon Solution -

will provide answer to your recon problems. This solution is configurable providing agility to business users to define the structures and change the same basis change in the business requirements and define business rules for reconciliation and change the same in line with business requirements.
0 %
Reduction in Recon Programs
0 %
Overall Cost Savings
0 + hrs
Savings in Manual Efforts

“A Dollar saved is a Dollar earned”

RhythmFlows Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Kothrud Industrial Estate, No 3,
PRAGATI COMPLEX, 17/1B, Kothrud,
Pune, Maharashtra 411038

Mobile No.: +91 982 305 5383